Have you looked in the mirror lately, that is a full length mirror that shows your full body contour especially after that Gorgeous meal last evening? If the image confronting you is a pleasure to look at then there is no further need to read this article but should you see a strange creature that resembles what you use to look like, but is in some way, an inflated distortion of what of what you should be, then you may be obese.
We have had it drummed into us what the dangers of obesity can belay us so there is no point in boring any one with a repeat of the dangers and, of course it can be very expensive. It is also well known that obesity arises from having too much of what you l like with the wrong sort of food without getting enough exercise.
Obesity seems to be a modern epidemic probably because we can afford more more luxuries including booze but we also have the luxury of television and computers that bring entrainment into our living rooms, that in many cases makes dinning rooms redundant except for special occasions. So we have moved away from starvation through lack of food to starvation of exercise that is necessary for us to balance our intake calories with our use of energy.
There are of course those of us who cannot exercise but most of us can control our food intake. For those of us that are overweight we have trained our systems to accept more food than is normal for our daily regimes, which means that we will have to retrain our stomachs to accept less food. This can be achieved by reducing the our food intake gradually then our energy storage around our bodies is reduced bring back into focus that person that you use to know when you looked into the mirror. It is dangerous to reduce your weight too quickly so therefore a controlled reduction of weight is required.
There is plenty of help to be obtained on the internet with numerous emails giving advice and telling you how much you can loose in some wishful time. A more careful approach will be to web sites that specialise in weight loss or obesity problems, especially those that have expert advice by specialists. You will also find web sites that give advice on exercising and, again it would be prudent to use those sites that are backed by expert advice.
One piece of advice that is generally published is to leave the car at home and walk or use bicycle. There appears to be little point in taking the car to the gym doing an hours exercise and then drive home again when some of this time could be used in getting more exercise and perhaps saving some money. Personal gym equipment at home is away around this but not every one can afford it or have the space to install it without loosing useful living area. This now leaves walking, jogging, or the bicycle or other means of natural exercise that enables you to reduce your weight to the right level.
What ever your choice of, slimming, exercise, or both I wish you good luck with your efforts but be sure that you that take qualified advice in whatever you do. What you will need is dedication to succeed so that once again you can look in that magic mirror and see once again that person you use to be.
Article Source:EzineArticles
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