Friday, October 15, 2010

Male Stamina Enhancement - Are You Expecting Too Much?

Some men are obsessed with their sexual stamina. Whether it is a result of watching too many adult movies or their unachievable dream of satisfying their over-eager partners, one thing you got to get it straight and that is 'stamina; to a large extent is a relative term. This brings us straight to the question when we talk of male stamina enhancement, what is the yardstick by which you measure 'stamina'? Would we get the answer from women? You may take this up as a market research project and ask 50 women what they think of the right kind of 'stamina'. You would be surprised at the variety of answers you get. You would also be surprised at the kind of worries which men go through when it comes to preventing a premature ejaculation as most of them aspire to win a sexual marathon the next time they make love. Now for the most realistic news - and that is that most independent studies have revealed that the average 'stamina' which a sexually healthy and active man is expected to possess is between two and five minutes. This could be startling news for most men, since the average time a woman takes to reach a successful (and not fake) orgasm is about twenty minutes. Thus if you are within this average range of male stamina or fall short of this time span, you could do well with some male stamina enhancement tools.

Talking about some realistic male stamina enhancement tools, there are several actually. Starting from Kegels' exercises to creams and lotions, there are several products and gadgets available in the market, which promise to make every user a friendly neighborhood Eros. But if you probe a bit deeper, the word 'male stamina' perhaps has a lot to do with your mind, and body and both of them working in perfect harmony and in perfect health conditions. This would naturally bring you to your body upkeep, which can be done perfectly with a balanced diet and regular physical exercise.

When your physical body is in perfect state of health, the mind functions better, your moods are more positive and all this would naturally show in your performance in bed. Some of the factors you need to keep in mind though, when you are thinking of male stamina enhancement are things, which promote its loss. Incidentally, alcohol may trigger desire but it severely hampers performance. A drunken man is a disaster in bed and so is a chain-smoker. To get and sustain an erection you need flexibility of the penile muscles, which can expand, allowing blood to flow in, and this would also affect your stamina during performance. Smoking tightens these muscles, which do not permit muscles to be elastic. Not only does erection suffer, but also stamina and performance.

Having said so far, in case premature ejaculation and lack of male stamina is spoiling your love life, here are some foods which guarantee male stamina enhancement:

1. Red meat, if there is no bar on such items from doctors on health grounds, contains 'complete' proteins and creatinine, which makes us stronger as well as more energetic. It also contains the nutrient coQ10, which is not only good for our heart but also for our sexual health.

2. Fish like Alaskan Salmon, Mackerel, Trout, or Sardines, contain a host of omega-3s, which help you keep good sexual health.

3. Eggs according to many are good to improve overall stamina, including male stamina.

4. Male stamina enhance can be achieved if you have raw and organic milk which are great sources of protein, calcium and vitamin D. These ingredients work wonderfully for developing sex stamina.

5. Nuts like almonds and walnuts, which are full of nutritious Omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin E, fiber, and potassium, along with many other beneficial minerals are good for maintenance of sex health. Other good alternatives to your daily 'snacks' are pecans, macadamias, cashews, and Brazil nuts.

Article Source:Ezine Articles

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