Knowledge of the driver depends on the quality of road safety program imparted to him or her. Though road safety education starts at school level, these days’ schools are more worried about results instead of imparting skills to the children for living safely and happily. Contemporary schools must lay more emphasis on teaching children about the road regulations and different modes of transport.
Attitude of a person depends on his upbringing at home and society in general. Most people think of civic value of following traffic rules as someone else's job and their children grow up with the same traits which are reflected in their attitude on roads. Thus, one must inculcate proper civic values to their children and make them respect the rights of other road users to ensure their road safety. Such upbringing will definitely reduce phenomenon like drunken driving and road rage which, however, is very common on Indian roads.
Driving skills of the user is another vital factor, novice driving often leads to rashness which in a major contributor to total number of road accidents. Thus, driving training should be made mandatory for everyone, before allotting driving license in India. Proper enforcement of traffic rules could also play a vital role in combating the accident rate. In order to do so, traffic police needs sufficient human resources and equipments like speed cameras, breathalyzers etc.
Thus, changing the traffic situation in India is not a one man’s job. It is only when everyone will realize the importance of being disciplined at road that we will be able to see a significant change in road traffic safety in India. In other words, only an honest and sincere collaborative effort can ensure safety of precious lives on Indian roads, which seems to be in great danger as of now.
Article Source:EzineArticles.com
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